# django-anss-archive A Django application to archive real-time earthquake notifications from the [U.S. Geological Survey's Advanced National Seismic System](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/) ## Requirements - The [Django web framework](https://www.djangoproject.com/) - A geospatial database like [PostGIS](https://postgis.net/) ## Getting started Install the Python package. ```bash pipenv install django-anss-archive ``` Add to Django's INSTALLED_APPS. ```python INSTALLED_APPS = ("anss",) ``` Run migrations to create database tables. ```bash python manage.py migrate ``` ## Usage Run the archive command to save all earthquakes in the latest hour greater than 1.0 magnitude. ```bash python manage.py getlatestanssfeed ``` Start your test server and visit the admin to see the results. ```bash python manage.py runserver ``` It includes a list of all the earthquakes. ![list](_static/list.png) And lots of data about each one. ![detail](_static/detail.png) ## Other resources * Code: [github.com/datadesk/django-anss-archive](https://github.com/datadesk/django-anss-archive/) * Issues: [github.com/datadesk/django-anss-archive/issues](https://github.com/datadesk/django-anss-archive/issues) * Packaging: [pypi.python.org/pypi/django-anss-archive](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-anss-archive) * Testing: [github.com/datadesk/django-anss-archive/actions](https://github.com/datadesk/django-anss-archive/actions)