# First GitHub Scraper A step-by-step introduction to free, automated web scraping with GitHub’s powerful [Actions feature](https://github.com/features/actions). You will learn how to: * Create a GitHub repository to store your code * Use Python to scrape data from the web * Configure GitHub Actions to schedule the scrape * Automatically save the results to the repository * Send a Slack notification when new data arrive ## Table of contents ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 1 :name: mastertoc :numbered: repo scrape-locally scrape action commit notify ``` ## About This guide was prepared for [a training session](https://www.ire.org/product/nicar22-first-github-scraper/) at the [National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting (NICAR)](http://data.nicar.org/)’s 2022 conference in Atlanta. The authors are [Iris Lee](http://irisslee.com/), [Aadit Tambe](https://aadittambe.com/) and [Ben Welsh](https://palewi.re/who-is-ben-welsh/). The tutorial is published as [open-source software](https://github.com/palewire/first-github-scraper/).