```{include} _templates/nav.html ``` # Installing the repository ```{contents} Sections :local: :depth: 1 ``` ## Code Fork the [palewire/news-homepages](https://github.com/palewire/news-homepages) repository on GitHub and clone it on your computer. Move into the code directory and install the Python dependencies. ```bash pipenv install --dev ``` Install pre-commit hooks. ```bash pipenv run pre-commit install ``` Install Chrome for our web scraper. ```bash pipenv run playwright install --with-deps chromium ``` You're ready to work. Try a screenshot with the `screenshot.py` command. As with other commands, it expects you pass in the unique handle of the target site. The supported sites are listed in [`newshomepages/sources/sites.csv`](https://github.com/palewire/news-homepages/blob/main/newshomepages/sources/sites.csv). We use them as a unique identifier across the project. ```bash pipenv run python -m newshomepages.screenshot latimes ``` ## Environment variables Some of the commands require that you set environment variables with secret credentials. I recommend you create a `.env` file at the root of the project for use with pipenv. Here's all of them. ### Discord ``` DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN= ``` ### Slack ``` SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL= ``` ### Telegram ``` TELEGRAM_API_KEY= ``` ### Twitter ``` TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY= TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET= TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY= TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET= ``` ### The Internet Archive ``` IA_ACCESS_KEY= IA_SECRET_KEY= IA_COLLECTION= ```