```{include} _templates/nav.html ``` # nifc-wildfires Download wildfires data from the [National Interagency Fire Center](https://www.nifc.gov/) ```{contents} Table of contents :local: :depth: 2 ``` ## Installation ```sh pipenv install nifc-wildfires ``` ## Command-line usage ```sh Usage: nifcwildfires [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... A command-line interface for downloading wildfire perimeter and incident points data from NIFC. Returns GeoJSON. Options: --help Show this message and exit. Commands: active-perimeters Perimeters of active fires incidents All fire incident points in 2021, from NIFC situation reports ``` From the shell: ```sh nifcwildfires active-perimeters nifcwildfires incidents ``` ## Python usage Import the library and go. ```python import nifc_wildfires data = nifc_wildfires.get_active_perimeters() data = nifc_wildfires.get_incidents() ``` ## Contributing Install dependencies for development. ```sh pipenv install --dev ``` Run tests. ```sh pipenv run python test.py ``` ## Developing the CLI The command-line interface is implemented using Click and setuptools. To install it locally for development inside your virtual environment, run the following installation command, as [prescribed by the Click documentation](https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/7.x/setuptools/#setuptools-integration). ```sh pipenv run pip install --editable . ``` ## Links * Docs: [palewi.re/docs/nifc-wildfires/](https://palewi.re/docs/nifc-wildfires/) * Issues: [github.com/datadesk/nifc-wildfires/issues](https://github.com/datadesk/nifc-wildfires/issues) * Packaging: [pypi.python.org/pypi/nifc-wildfires](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/nifc-wildfires) * Testing: [github.com/datadesk/nifc-wildfires/actions](https://github.com/datadesk/nifc-wildfires/actions)