6. Automating Athena with Python¶
Running queries in Athena is great, but automating them in Python is even better. With Python, you can run a query on a regular schedule, execute a list of queries in series and pull any number of other tricks without having to sit around and click buttons in Amazon’s web console.
Accessing Amazon Web Services with Python requires first establishing secret keys with permission to access the platform on your behalf. You can do that by clicking on the pulldown menu in the far upper right corner of the console and selecting “Security credentials.”
Then scroll down to the “Access keys” section and click the “Create access key” button.
Now, you can create a root key pair by checking the box and clicking the “Create access key” button.
The final screen will show you the key’s identifier and secret. I’ve redacted my pair in the example below.
Please copy and paste them into a text file for safekeeping. Python will use them to gain access to Amazon Web Services from outside the console.
Now you will need to install boto3
, the most popular Python tool for working with Amazon Web Services. You can do that from your terminal with the pipenv
Python package manager, or whatever package manager you prefer.
pipenv install boto3
Create a file named .env
in your project directory to store your Amazon credentials and other sensitive information. It should look like the following:
The key identifier and secret are the two values you copied from the Amazon console. The bucket value is the name of the S3 bucket you created in the previous chapter. Unless you changed the default settings when creating your S3 bucket, the region name should be us-east-1
If you’re using a tool other than pipenv
, you’ll need to manage the secrets in whatever manner your system prefers.
Please create a new file called athena.py
in your text editor of choice — we prefer Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code — and paste the following:
"""Utilities for working with Amazon Athena."""
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import time
import boto3
def query(
sql: str,
wait: int = 10,
verbose: bool = False,
) -> str:
"""Execute SQL query on Amazon Athena.
sql : str
formatted string containing athena sql query
wait : int
number of seconds to wait between efforts to check the query status
verbose : bool
whether to print verbose output
str : query execution id
>>> query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM my_database.my_table", verbose=True)
# Create the Athena client
client = boto3.client("athena", region_name=os.getenv("AWS_REGION_NAME"))
# Set the destination as our temporary S3 workspace folder
s3_destination = f"s3://{os.getenv('AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME')}/query-output/"
# Execute the query
if verbose:
print(f"Running query: {sql}")
request = client.start_query_execution(
"OutputLocation": s3_destination,
# Get the query execution id
query_id = request["QueryExecutionId"]
if verbose:
print(f"Query ID: {query_id}")
# Wait for the query to finish
retry_count = 0
while True:
# Get the query execution state
response = client.get_query_execution(QueryExecutionId=query_id)
state = response["QueryExecution"]["Status"]["State"]
# If it's still running, wait a little longer
if state in ["RUNNING", "QUEUED"]:
if verbose:
print(f"Query state: {state}. Waiting {wait} seconds...")
retry_count += 1
# If it failed, raise an exception
# Make sure it finished successfully
if verbose:
print(f"Query finished with state: {state}")
assert state == "SUCCEEDED", f"query state is {state}"
# Return the query id
return query_id
It is a utility function that allows you to run queries in Athena from Python. Read it carefully, and you’ll see how it uses boto3
to send an SQL query to Athena and store the results in a subdirectory of your bucket named query-output
You can access the function in other Python files by importing the file we’ve created. As a simple example, create a second file named run.py
and toss in the following:
import athena
sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hmda.loans"
q_id = athena.query(sql, verbose=True)
Save the file and run it in your terminal.
pipenv run python run.py
Your terminal should print out its progress as it issues the query and waits for a response from Athena. After it finishes, the identifier for the result will print.
Return to your S3 bucket in your web browser. Click into the query-output
directory. You should now see two files with the same name as the identifier in your terminal. One will end with .csv
. The other will end with .csv.metadata
The .csv
file contains the query results, the same as those in Athena’s results panel. The second file contains a bundle of information about your request.
If you download the results file and open it in a spreadsheet, you’ll see the same thing we saw in Athena: a single row with a single column containing the number of rows in the loans
That’s cool, but it’s a hassle to look up the result ourselves with all that pointing and clicking. Let’s have Python take care of that, too.
First, you’ll want to install pandas
, a popular Python library for working with data. You can do that with whatever Python package manager you prefer.
pipenv install pandas
Reopen athena.py
and edit the top of the file above the query function. Notice how the io
import is now at the top and the pandas
import is after boto3
"""Utilities for working with Amazon Athena."""
from __future__ import annotations
import io
import os
import time
import boto3
import pandas as pd
def get_dataframe(
sql: str,
verbose: bool = False,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Get pandas DataFrame from Amazon Athena query.
sql : str
formatted string containing athena sql query
verbose : bool
whether to print verbose output
additional keyword arguments to pass to the dataframe
pd.DataFrame : pandas DataFrame containing query results
>>> sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM my_database.my_table"
>>> df = get_dataframe(sql, verbose=True)
>>> print(df.head())
# Run the query
job_id = query(sql, verbose=verbose)
# Connect to Amazon S3
client = boto3.client(
# Download the file created by our query
response = client.get_object(
# Convert it to the file object
file_obj = io.BytesIO(response["Body"].read())
# Read the file into a pandas DataFrame
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = {}
df = pd.read_csv(file_obj, **kwargs)
# Return the DataFrame
return df
Return to run.py
and change the file to take advantage of the new function. While we’re at it, let’s tweak our query, too.
import athena
sql = "SELECT * FROM hmda.loans LIMIT 10"
df = athena.get_dataframe(sql, verbose=True)
Now run the same command as before.
pipenv run python run.py
And you should see the pandas DataFrame printed to your console.
This simple function is now all you need to run the full spectrum of SQL queries against your Athena database and retrieve the results for further processing in Python. You could repurpose it in one-off shell scripts, scheduled tasks, Jupyter notebooks, or wherever else you’d like to code.
However, it assumes you’ve manually created an Athena table in the web console. Add the following functions to athena.py
to automate that process.
"""Utilities for working Amazon Athena."""
from __future__ import annotations
import io
import os
import time
import boto3
import pandas as pd
def create_database(
database_name: str,
verbose: bool = False,
) -> str:
"""Create Amazon Athena database.
database_name : str
name of the database
verbose : bool
whether to print verbose output
str : query execution id
>>> create_database("my_database", verbose=True)
if verbose:
print(f"Creating {database_name} if it doesn't exist")
return query(f"CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {database_name}", verbose=verbose)
def drop_database(
database_name: str,
verbose: bool = False,
) -> str:
"""Drop Amazon Athena database.
database_name : str
name of the database
verbose : bool
whether to print verbose output
str : query execution id
>>> drop_database("my_database", verbose=True)
if verbose:
print(f"Dropping {database_name} if it exists")
return query(f"DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS {database_name}", verbose=verbose)
def create_table(
database_name: str,
table_name: str,
field_list: list[list[str, str]],
location: str,
verbose: bool = False,
) -> str:
"""Create Amazon Athena table.
database_name : str
name of the database
table_name : str
name of the table
field_list : list[list[str, str]]
list of field names and types. e.g. [["id", "INT"], ["name", "STRING"]].
Reference for field types available at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/data-types.html
location : str
s3 location of the data inside AWS S3 bucket. e.g. 's3://my-bucket/my-folder/' would be /my-folder/
verbose : bool
whether to print verbose output
str : query execution id
>>> create_table(
... "my_database",
... "my_table",
... [["id", "INT"], ["name", "STRING"]],
... "/my-folder/",
... verbose=True,
... )
# Create the SQL statement
sql = f"CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {database_name}.{table_name} (\n"
for field in field_list:
sql += f" {field[0]} {field[1]},\n"
sql = sql[:-2] + "\n)\n"
sql += f"LOCATION 's3://{os.getenv('AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME')}{location}'\n"
sql += "TBLPROPERTIES ('skip.header.line.count'='1')"
# Run the query
if verbose:
print(f"Creating Athena table: {database_name}.{table_name}")
return query(sql, verbose=verbose)
def drop_table(
database_name: str,
table_name: str,
verbose: bool = False,
) -> str:
"""Drop Amazon Athena table.
database_name : str
name of the database
table_name : str
name of the table
verbose : bool
whether to print verbose output
str : query execution id
>>> drop_table("my_database", "my_table", verbose=True)
# Drop the table if it exists
if verbose:
print(f"Dropping {database_name}.{table_name} if it exists")
return query(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {database_name}.{table_name}", verbose=verbose)
If we were to begin again from scratch, we could recreate all of the steps we took to setup our database with the following:
import athena
# Create the database
athena.create_database("hmda", verbose=True)
# Create the table
["activity_year", "int"],
["lei", "string"],
["state_code", "string"],
["county_coder", "string"],
["census_tract", "string"],
["derived_loan_product_type", "string"],
["derived_dwelling_category", "string"],
["derived_ethnicity", "string"],
["derived_race", "string"],
["derived_sex", "string"],
["action_taken", "int"],
["purchaser_type", "int"],
["preapproval", "int"],
["loan_type", "int"],
["loan_purpose", "int"],
["lien_status", "int"],
["reverse_mortgage", "int"],
["open_end_line_of_credit", "int"],
["business_or_commercial_purpose", "int"],
["debt_to_income_ratio", "string"],
["applicant_credit_score_type", "string"]
Running a query from Python would be as simple as before.
import athena
sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hmda.loans"
df = athena.get_dataframe(sql, verbose=True)
You would see the same results now as in a fully automated process that could be remixed and repeated with limitless tables, data and queries. Our work here is done.