Drudge dashboard

As part of the homepages.news archiving routine, the system routinely captures The Drudge Report, a news aggregator focused on Beltway politics, celebrity scandal, extreme weather and other catastrophes of American life.

This page updates daily with an analysis of what’s been promoted.


Over the last 90 days, Drudge’s homepage has featured 5,767 stories from 288 different sites, an average of 63.9 per day.

Top words

Here are the people, places and things mentioned in the most headlines, as well as each’s most commonly paired verb:

Rank Word Top verb Headlines Trend
1. TRUMP WANT 298 TRUMP trend chart
2. BIDEN CAMPAIGN 132 BIDEN trend chart
3. ELECTION WIN 102 ELECTION trend chart
4. WAR START 98 WAR trend chart
5. DON DEBATE 90 DON trend chart
5. HARRIS CAMPAIGN 90 HARRIS trend chart
7. KAMALA GO 89 KAMALA trend chart
8. AI USE 72 AI trend chart
9. MUSK WANT 69 MUSK trend chart
10. DEMS SCRAMBLE 66 DEMS trend chart
11. ISRAEL ATTACK 62 ISRAEL trend chart
12. PEOPLE WANT 61 PEOPLE trend chart
12. CHINA WANT 61 CHINA trend chart
14. RIGHT SWING 59 RIGHT trend chart
15. RUSSIA MAKE 58 RUSSIA trend chart
16. STUDY LIVE 57 STUDY trend chart
16. COURT NEED 57 COURT trend chart
16. USA TRY 57 USA trend chart
19. AMERICA RUN 55 AMERICA trend chart
19. PUTIN COLLAPSE 55 PUTIN trend chart
21. SECRET USE 54 SECRET trend chart
21. VANCE VOTE 54 VANCE trend chart
21. CAMPAIGN TAKE 54 CAMPAIGN trend chart
25. POLL THINK 53 POLL trend chart

Top domains

Here are the 25 most frequently linked sites:

Rank Site Headlines Percent
1. msn.com 914 15.8%
2. yahoo.com 524 9.1%
3. wsj.com 352 6.1%
4. apnews.com 308 5.3%
5. dailymail.co.uk 300 5.2%
6. dnyuz.com 241 4.2%
7. the-sun.com 237 4.1%
8. cnn.com 182 3.2%
9. thehill.com 179 3.1%
10. nbcnews.com 165 2.9%
11. mediaite.com 145 2.5%
12. newsweek.com 125 2.2%
13. cnbc.com 113 2.0%
14. nypost.com 108 1.9%
15. axios.com 103 1.8%
16. the-express.com 86 1.5%
17. theguardian.com 82 1.4%
18. jpost.com 76 1.3%
18. politico.com 76 1.3%
20. studyfinds.org 65 1.1%
21. barrons.com 51 0.9%
22. deadline.com 45 0.8%
23. hollywoodreporter.com 41 0.7%
24. bbc.com 40 0.7%
25. independent.co.uk 39 0.7%