
Download watch, warning and advisory data from the National Weather Service


pipenv install nws-wwa

Command-line usage

Usage: nwswwa [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

A command-line interface for downloading watch, warning and advisory data
from the National Weather Service. Returns GeoJSON.

--help  Show this message and exit.

all       All watch, warning and advisory data
hazards   All hazard data
warnings  All warnings data

Download data from the National Weather Service.

nwswwa all
nwswwa hazards
nwswwa warnings

Python usage

Import the library.

import nws_wwa

data = nws_wwa.get_all()
data = nws_wwa.get_hazards()
data = nws_wwa.get_warnings()


Install dependencies for development.

pipenv install --dev

Run tests.

pipenv run pytest tests/test.py

Developing the CLI

The command-line interface is implemented using Click and setuptools. To install it locally for development inside your virtual environment, run the following installation command, as prescribed by the Click documentation.

pipenv run pip install --editable .

Other resources