Fetching a company’s NAICS codes

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import refinitiv.data as rd

You open a platform session using the default value of the signon_control parameter (signon_control=True).
In future library version v2.0, this default will be changed to False.
If you want to keep the same behavior as today, you will need to set the signon_control parameter to True either in the library configuration file
({'sessions':{'platform':{'your_session_name':{'signon_control':true}}}}) or in your code where you create the Platform Session.
These alternative options are already supported in the current version of the library.
<refinitiv.data.session.Definition object at 0x7f25cc184fd0 {name='rdp'}>

You can use the Refinitiv Data Library for Python to retrieve the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes associated with a company. It is a standard used by US statistical agencies to classify business establishments for economic analysis.

To do acquire the data, pass a company’s Refinitiv Instrument Code to the get_data method with a request for NAICS related fields.

Here’s a query for Thomson Reuters:

        # Basic stuff
        # NAICS codes
Instrument Company Common Name Ticker Symbol NAICS Sector Code NAICS Sector Name NAICS Subsector Code NAICS Subsector Name NAICS Industry Group Code NAICS Industry Group Name
0 TRI.N Thomson Reuters Corp TRI 51 Information 518 Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Proce... 5182 Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Proce...
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