
A simple Python wrapper and command-line interface for’s “Save Page Now” capturing service


The package can be installed from the Python Package Index with one of Python’s installation tools. Here’s an example with pipenv.

pipenv install savepagenow

Python Usage

First import the library into your Python code.

import savepagenow

Capture a URL.

archive_url = savepagenow.capture("")

See where it’s stored.



By default, savepagenow sends anonymous requests, which are limited to three captures per minute.

Authenticated requests are allowed 6 captures per minute. To take advantage of this, you must register an account with and set your API credentials to the local environment variables SAVEPAGENOW_ACCESS_KEY and SAVEPAGENOW_SECRET_KEY.

Then you can run capture() with the authenticate flag set to true like so:

savepagenow.capture(url, authenticate=True)

Cached pages

If a URL has been recently cached, may return the URL to that page rather than conduct a new capture. When that happens, the capture method will raise a CachedPage exception.

This is likely happen if you request the same URL twice within a few seconds.

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
   File "savepagenow/", line 36, in capture
savepagenow.exceptions.CachedPage: returned a cached version of this page:

You can craft your code to catch that exception yourself, or use the built-in capture_or_cache method, which will return the URL provided by along with a boolean indicating if it is a fresh capture (True) or from the cache (False).

("", True)
("", False)

There’s no accounting for taste but you could craft a line to handle that command like so:

url, captured = savepagenow.capture_or_cache("")

Command-line usage

The Python library is also installed as a command-line interface. You can run it from your terminal like so:


The command has the same options as the Python API.

Usage: savepagenow [OPTIONS] URL

  Archive the provided URL using's Wayback Machine.

  Raises a CachedPage exception if declines to conduct a new
  capture and returns a previous snapshot instead.

  -ua, --user-agent TEXT  User-Agent header for the web request
  -c, --accept-cache      Accept and return cached URL
  -a, --authenticate      Allows you to run saves with authentication
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

Developing the CLI

The command-line interface is implemented using Click and setuptools. To install it locally for development inside your virtual environment, run the following installation command, as prescribed by the Click documentation.

pip install --editable .

Customizing the user agent

In an effort to be transparent and polite to the Internet Archive, all requests made by savepagenow carry a custom user agent that identifies itself as "savepagenow (".

You can further customize this setting by using the optional arguments to our API.

Here’s how to do it in Python:

savepagenow.capture("", user_agent="my user agent here")

And here’s how to do it from the command line:

savepagenow --user-agent "my user agent here"