Django recipe: A django-tagging cloud for all models


As far as I can tell, django-tagging will only create a cloud for one particular database model. This is usually awesome, but sometimes not enough. What if, for instance, you wanted to make a combined cloud that consolidated tags across more than one model? Maybe your blog puts tags not just on posts, but also on tweets and bookmarks.

That's pretty much the situation I was in, and here's how I hacked on the module's codebase to get it done. The code below accepts a queryset of TaggedItem objects and returns a list of tags and font sizes you can use to format the cloud, as I did here.

A modification of the tag cloud utilities in django-tagging. 

Necessary so I can run a tagcloud for all the models, not just one.

Tip: It's good to submit a select_related query to avoid a ton of
database hits. This will run a join that really slims things down.

>>> cloud.calculate_cloud(TaggedItem.objects.select_related().all())
import math
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _

# Font size distribution algorithms

def _calculate_thresholds(min_weight, max_weight, steps):
    delta = (max_weight - min_weight) / float(steps)
    return [min_weight + i * delta for i in range(1, steps + 1)]

def _calculate_tag_weight(weight, max_weight, distribution):
    Logarithmic tag weight calculation is based on code from the
    `Tag Cloud`_ plugin for Mephisto, by Sven Fuchs.

        .. _`Tag Cloud`:
    if distribution == LINEAR or max_weight == 1:
        return weight
    elif distribution == LOGARITHMIC:
        return math.log(weight) * max_weight / math.log(max_weight)
    raise ValueError(_('Invalid distribution algorithm specified: %s.') % distribution)

def _group_tagged_items(tagged_item_qs):
    Accepts a queryset of TaggedItem objects, groups them by tag, and then counts their frequency.
    tag_count = {}
    for ti in tagged_item_qs:
            tag_count[ti.tag]['count'] += 1
        except KeyError:
            tag_count[ti.tag] = {'font-size': None, 'count': 1}
    return tag_count

def calculate_cloud(tagged_items_qs, steps=4, distribution=LOGARITHMIC, min_count=5):
    Add a ``font_size`` attribute to each tag according to the
    frequency of its use, as indicated by its ``count``

    ``steps`` defines the range of font sizes - ``font_size`` will
    be an integer between 1 and ``steps`` (inclusive).

    ``distribution`` defines the type of font size distribution
    algorithm which will be used - logarithmic or linear. It must be
    one of ``tagging.utils.LOGARITHMIC`` or ``tagging.utils.LINEAR``.
    tag_counts = _group_tagged_items(tagged_items_qs)

    if len(tag_counts) > 0:
        counts = [i['count'] for i in tag_counts.values()]
        min_weight = float(min(counts))
        max_weight = float(max(counts))
        thresholds = _calculate_thresholds(min_weight, max_weight, steps)
        for tag in tag_counts.keys():
            font_set = False
            tag_weight = _calculate_tag_weight(tag_counts[tag]['count'], max_weight, distribution)
            for i in range(steps):
                if not font_set and tag_weight <= thresholds[i]:
                    tag_counts[tag]['font_size'] = i + 1
                    font_set = True

    # Cut off the data at the minimum count
    tag_list = [(k, v['font_size'], v['count']) for k,v in tag_counts.items() if v['count'] > min_count]
    # Sort by count
    tag_list.sort(lambda x,y:cmp(x[2], y[2]))
    # Reverse that
    return tag_list