Where will Downtown L.A.'s Regional Connector run?


Perhaps, like me, you live in Downtown Los Angeles. And perhaps, like me, you have wondered, "Where exactly is L.A. Metro going to build its weirdly named 'Regional Connector' rail line?"

If so, the dotted black line above, which runs up 2nd Street and then turns south on Flower Street, is your answer.

The Regional Connector is touted as 1.9 miles of underground light rail that will better link the existing lines that now terminate at Union Station and Metro Center. It is scheduled to open in 2020 and estimated to cost nearly $1.4 billion, partially funded by the half-cent sales tax city voters approved in 2008.

The only maps on Metro's website I could find were in the painful PDF format. So I traced an electronic version in the handier GeoJSON format using Tom MacWright's brilliant tool and open sourced the result over on GitHub, along with all the other GIS data that Metro publishes online. Enjoy!
