New at NICAR25


Over the weekend, I debuted three new hands-on classes at the latest edition of NICAR, the annual data journalism conference organized by Investigative Reporters and Editors.

Today, I'm happy to release all three as online textbooks where anyone can work through the material for free. Loaded up with screenshots, code snippets and hyperlinks, the documentation sites include everything we covered in person.

Screenshots of our new NICAR classes

🏷️ First LLM Classifier, developed with Derek Willis, will teach you how journalists can use large-language models to organize and analyze massive datasets. Machine learning has never been easier.

First Athena Query, developed with Katlyn Alo, will teach you how to analyze millions of records in seconds with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and SQL. Today's release includes a set of flexible Python functions for automation we developed at Reuters, which are being made public for the first time.

🦾 Go big with GitHub Actions, developed with Iris Lee and Dana Chiueh, will teach you how to scale up your data pipelines using GitHub’s powerful Actions framework. It demonstrates advanced automation patterns that will empower you to collect, process and publish gigantic datasets with ease.

I hope these materials are helpful to someone out there. The IRE community has given so much to me in my career that it's an honor to give something, however modest, back.
